Monday, September 26, 2011

The Temple of Heaven

Behold the Temple of Heaven. The Emperor came here once a year to give his report to Heaven, and make sacrifices.

The main temple building, where the Emperor prayed for good harvests.

How did that kite get stuck up here? This is sad.


By the way, I forgot to tell you – we saw this really awesome building yesterday. Hey, there’s a small detail I didn’t notice. Aw, not another kite stuck! I am definitely going to keep my eyes peeled for these kites on buildings.

Hey, another temple. Ah, silly me, it’s only a model. Hang on, what’s that inside it? Aaaaaaaaah. The Holy Grail? How come I didn’t see it there when I took the picture?

This is a sketch. This is a sketch. This is a sketch.
To James.

I love sliding down ramps! There are a lot of ramps in China.

Oh, hi Dad.
Hi, son. 

The temple area is very big.

We had to do a lot of walking.

After doing all that, my legs felt like pencil lead. I felt that they were going to break at any minute. Krc . . . AAAAH!


But after a long rest back in my hotel, I figured that my legs were well enough to do some Chinese hacky sack. A Chinese hacky sack has four feathers on the top, and on the bottom there are little metal rings, all arranged differently. I bargained with a lady in the park, and bought it for four yuan (60 cents).

Here’s the lady who sold me my hacky. In China you bargain for everything. Ok guys, I’ll let you in on the secret. First, the seller says a number. Always say a lower number. If she has a calculator, you look at what the seller has typed in, and then you type in something. What you pay is somewhere in the middle. If you have bargained for a while, and her price is still too high, you walk away. She’ll probably give you it for your price.

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